We, social workers, talk, train and educate all the time about self-awareness, knowing ourselves, our bias, our identity(ies) and how all of it influences the ways in which we practice our profession. We even acknowledge that sometimes folks enter into social work in hopes to find answers to the very challenges they have faced throughout their lives.
In these blog posts we hope to explore a new direction. We want to know about how your decision to be a social worker – the education, training and everything that came with – influences all the other roles you fulfill in your life.
A better parent or a helicopter parent?
Maybe being a social worker has made you a better partner or has changed the way you date?
A more “difficult” friend (you no longer laugh at those sexist jokes)?
A “worrier” (because you’ve seen so much)?
Maybe being a social worker influences the way you travel?
We believe finding connection in our human experiences is part of the journey. We know that the community we share as social workers weaves common threads throughout our lives. We acknowledge being a social workers changes us in beautiful, powerful and sometimes difficult ways.
We think you get the idea…so BRING IT…tell us your stories…we know you have them, the growth, the difficulty, the odd, the indifferent, the funny, the enlightened, we want it all!! We want to share it all!!